ADVANTUS360 Articles

Cybersecurity, Employees, and Corporate Data in the Age of Remote Work

Written by Advantus360 | Sep 28, 2023 11:39:22 AM

The growing acceptance of organizations and remote work has been a double-edged sword. On one hand, it offers unprecedented flexibility and cost-efficiency. On the other, it opens up a Pandora’s box of cybersecurity challenges. With this, your top priority is ensuring the safety of your remote workforce and your company’s sensitive data.

What follows are key considerations as you navigate remote work cybersecurity, along with the advantages of collaborating with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP).

Key Cybersecurity Measures for Remote Work

1. Endpoint Security and Identity Management

Endpoint security and identity management are the first lines of defence in remote work cybersecurity. They help ensure that the devices connecting to your network are secure and that the people using them are who they claim to be. Here are some strategies to consider:

a) Antivirus and Antimalware Software

It’s not just about having antivirus software, it’s about keeping it updated. Outdated antivirus software is almost as bad as having none at all. Make sure all remote employees keep their antivirus and antimalware software up-to-date to fend off the latest threats.

b) Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring two or more verification methods—a password, a security token, or even a fingerprint. This multi-tiered approach makes it significantly harder for unauthorized users to access your network.

c) Software and OS Updates

Updates often contain patches that fix security vulnerabilities. Encourage your remote team to update regularly and to do so as soon as these updates become available. The longer you wait, the more you’re at risk.

d) Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

Firewalls act as gatekeepers, controlling the network traffic based on an organization’s previously established security measures. VPNs add an extra layer of security, especially when employees access your network from public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

2. Data Security and Privacy

Protecting data is paramount, especially when employees access it from various locations. In addition to employee training and awareness (see point 3), you can implement data security and privacy protection steps for an added layer of security.

a) Advanced Encryption

Encryption converts your data into a code to prevent unauthorized access. Utilize advanced encryption technologies like Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Data-at-Rest Encryption to secure all sensitive data, whether it’s in transit or at rest.

b) Secure File Sharing

Not all file-sharing platforms are created equal. Opt for platforms offering end-to-end encryption and robust access controls to keep sensitive files secure.

c) Access Control and Monitoring

Who has access to what? Establish strict access controls and continuously monitor data access to ensure that only authorized employees can access critical company information.

3. Employee Training and Awareness

A well-informed workforce is a cyber-secure workforce. Training and awareness are crucial for ensuring that employees are equipped to recognize and handle cybersecurity threats. Here’s how to foster a culture of cybersecurity:

a) Cybersecurity Training

Equip your remote workforce with the skills and knowledge to recognize potential threats. Regular training sessions can update them on the latest phishing tactics, ransomware schemes, and social engineering attacks.

b) Remote Work Security Policies

Clearly outline and communicate your remote work security policies. Make sure your team understands the importance of adhering to these guidelines to maintain a secure remote work environment.

c) Incident Reporting

Create an open channel for employees to report any suspicious activities without fear of repercussions. The quicker you know about a potential issue, the faster you can act to prevent it from becoming a major problem.

4. Partnering with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)

Partnering with a security expert like ADVANTUS360 can greatly improve your company’s online safety. While we offer specialized advice, support, and solutions, we also carefully choose partners who can monitor online activities day and night. This approach offers several benefits:

a) Around-the-clock Monitoring

Well-vetted and industry-reputable partners closely monitor online activities 24/7, quickly identifying, isolating, and resolving anything unusual.

b) Expert Guidance

An MSSP can offer tailored advice that aligns with your organization’s specific needs, helping you navigate the complexities of remote work security.

c) Ongoing Support

The cybersecurity landscape is ever-changing. MSSPs offer the flexibility to adapt your security measures in response to new threats and evolving business needs.

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, implementing flexible and robust cybersecurity measures is essential for protecting employees, corporate data, and the larger integrity of your enterprise. By partnering with a managed services provider such as ADVANTUS360, your organization can benefit from tailored security solutions, expert guidance, and a collaborative approach to enhancing your security posture. Contact us today to discuss how we can support your remote workforce’s cybersecurity needs.