ADVANTUS360 Articles

Proactive Strategies to Boost Your Company’s Cybersecurity

Written by Advantus360 | Feb 29, 2024 1:09:20 PM


Organizations and their digital presence continue to grow. With this increase in a company’s online presence, the need for the right cybersecurity solution is paramount to protecting its integrity and resilience. It’s not merely a matter of protecting data; it’s about safeguarding the trust of stakeholders and ensuring the longevity of your organization. Amidst these challenges, cultivating a robust cybersecurity culture within your team is a realistic solution for boosting the overall security of your organization and maintaining it over time.


But how can companies achieve this? The answer lies in embracing a mindset of realistic sustainability—a proactive approach that combines an optimistic outlook for integrating your cybersecurity investments and other technology with a cyber-secure culture within your organization. With roughly 74% of cybersecurity incidents happening because of human error, we believe the following three strategies will help you reduce incidents simply by augmenting your people’s knowledge of common cybersecurity issues.


Continuous Training and Education Programs

We are firm believers in ongoing education when it comes to the evolving, increasingly complex world of cybersecurity. Here is where we encourage – and often witness our clients – embrace a culture of perpetual learning by investing in regular training and education programs. These initiatives are the cornerstone for keeping a team well-versed in the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. Whether through workshops, seminars, or online courses, look to provide avenues for your team to expand their knowledge base. If it makes sense for your people, encourage certifications like CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker), or CompTIA Security+ (Computing Technology Industry Association) to validate expertise and drive continuous improvement.


Simulated Phishing Exercises and Cybersecurity Drills

Knowledge means nothing if our people do not know how to apply it. One way to put the knowledge into tangible practice is through exercises and drills. Combating phishing attacks requires more than just awareness; it demands readiness. Conduct simulated phishing exercises to strengthen your team’s ability to identify and thwart such threats. Stage cybersecurity drills that mimic real-world scenarios, enabling your team to refine their incident response procedures. By practicing in a controlled environment, you empower your team to tackle cyber incidents with confidence and precision should a cybersecurity incident happen.


Promotion of Security Awareness and Accountability

When people have a sense of ownership over their actions, they hold themselves accountable to their responsibilities. Emphasize the importance of adhering to security protocols and encourage proactive behaviours such as password hygiene, encryption, and regular software and hardware updates. Foster an environment where security is woven into the fabric of daily activities and recognize individuals who champion exemplary security practices. Celebrating these actions that demonstrate leadership in cybersecurity further instills what being secure in action looks like.



In essence, building a sustainable cybersecurity culture hinges on a multi-faceted strategy that combines training, practice, and promotion of awareness and accountability. By adopting this approach, you equip your team to navigate the complexities of cyber threats with resilience and confidence.


Remember, cybersecurity is not solely a technological challenge—it’s a collective responsibility. By investing in your team’s security knowledge and fostering a culture of vigilance, you pave the way for a safer digital footprint where trust and integrity reign supreme. If you’re seeking ways to further a cyber-secure and cyber-aware culture within your organization, reach out for an initial conversation about what that might look like. Connect with us here